On the Road!

We picked up the hire car in the morning. This was a little complicated and we took everything slowly in the beginning, as driving on the opposite side of the road is confusing. I handled the navigation and soon enough we where on our way!

White Fiat hire car
Our trusty hire vehicle for the road trip!

The first stop I’d planned out from Venice was Milan. We got to the hotel without any issues although the road conditions were a bit stressful. The drivers in Italy are very aggressive and you have to be very assertive in indicating and then just going for it rather than the more polite attitude we have in Australia.

We went out for dinner. It was ok, but not that great. Everything seems to be very salty, and I didn’t manage to get through all of the carbonara despite normally loving big pasta dishes. I’ve found the food in Italy a bit disappointing across the board. I’d like to come back one day and get a better sample size.

Milan canal
Canal next to the restaurant we are at. Very stagnant…